AP Racing by Essex Competition Brake Kits (Track/Race)
When you're fighting for tenths of a second on track, having a brake system that provides confidence is of paramount importance. Essex Designed AP Racing Competition Brake Kits are designed to make you go faster, period. When daily driving requirements take a back seat to lower lap times, our Competition Kits are the perfect fit.
Our Essex Designed AP Racing Competition Kits come in two flavors:
Our Standard Competition Kits use traditional AP Racing calipers like the one on the left above, whereas our Radi-CAL Competition Kits use AP's latest generation of cutting-edge Radi-CAL calipers (shown on the right).
The precise specification of each systems varies by application, but standard features for both the Standard and Radi-CAL Competition Kits include:
- Carefully chosen piston sizes for proper brake bias and seamless integration with OEM master cylinder & ABS systems
- Front-only kits are designed to mate perfectly with OEM rear brake components
- Durable anodized aluminum calipers with stainless steel pistons and anti-knockback springs
- High vane count, directional brake discs, with floating or fixed aluminum hats depending on application
- Lightweight, anodized aluminum caliper mounting brackets
- Spiegler stainless steel brake lines included with every kit
- All associated mounting bolts, hardware, and detailed installation instructions
For a comparison between the various types of road and track big brake kits that we offer, please visit our big brake kit overview page.
Essex Designed AP Racing Competition Brake Kit Overview Part I
Essex Designed AP Racing Competition Brake Kit Overview Part II
Essex Designed AP Racing Competition Brake Kit Frequently Asked Questions
Know Brakes 6: The Competition Brake Kit Design Process
Know Brakes 7: How to Plan Now for Future Brake Needs

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